
Tag Archive for games

Consumable WiFi

GDC has an extended history of sub-par connectivity.  Which is kind of ironic when you think about it.  The games industry, particularly up here in the SF Bay Area *ought* to have the best d*mn wifi in the country.  Every bleeding edge tech company is within easy reach up here.

But every year, for as long as I can remember, the WiFi signal has been crap.  The cel signal is bad too, but that, at least, is explainable by things like concrete pilings and steel rebar.  WiFi can be/is usually handled by wireless routers within the space, and when the hall is empty you can get signal all day long.

As it fills up though, all those people, those warm saline heavy bodies start to *soak up* the signal.  The end result of this is that the hallways end up lined with clusters of WiFi users (yeah, okay, many of us take our work to GDC with us) all who are trying to find a place they can transmit from.


Achievement Unlocked!

So here we are at the shiny new start of Week 03 for NaGaDemo.  I kinda thought I would be farther along by now, to be honest, but I didn’t take into account the sheer volume of RL stuff I have to handle, especially here at the end of the school year for the Three Things.  Now that Mom’s Taxi Service is on hiatus for the summer (or at least is operating on reduces hours) I am hoping I can get some epic levels of stuff done in the last two weeks.

That said, I have a working version of the first level (woot!) up and running.  It counts score (I solved the issue with using 3d textures to handle the scorekeeping and timer thanks to some Google-Fu and some digital sticky-tape) it keeps time, there are flashy lights.  Next up are the transitional elements, I have 25 levels and need to set up keeping track of which levels have been completed so that the game doesn’t completely reset every time it gets restarted.

Ah, and another, incremental screenshot for you here