
Tag Archive for Editors

Waiting for Bruce

Okay, so I went and hired an editor for “The Extractionist”, a sci-fi/speculative fiction novel I wrote.  I know where my flaws lie, Editing is something I have limited experience with, and limited tolerance for, so I paid up and went with Bruce Coggin over at A1-Editing Services.

Editing takes a looooong time.  I don’t think I quite realised that before.  It took me 1.5 years to write the first and second drafts of the novel, the second in the series is done with the first draft.  I wanna get moving!  I wanna send this stuff out, show off my mojo!

But I’ve done this before.  I’ve written three novels (including Extractionist), the first two back in High School, and for those first two I sent them out to every contact I could find (I apologise for that, all you publishers and agents, by the way, I reread that novel the other day and lost a few IQ points doing it).

Now its about patience (which spend all of on my children, so have little to spare for this).  I need to wait, see how shiny Bruce makes this BEFORE I send it out.

But I have a list :D  A biiiiiig long list of people to send to that I am compiling in the meantime.

I’m gonna need some more stamps.