
The night before…..

It’s tomorrow.  There is a turkey in my fridge SO LARGE that we have been eating out for two days because I can’t fit anything else in my teeny weeny space.  I get Mom-in-Law and both my parents at the same table which should be nice.  They haven’t seen each other since my wedding…  10 years ago.  And I get to cook.  Have I mentioned that if a microwave isn’t involved we’re pretty much just asking for trouble?

I have a sinking feeling that this is IT.  The year Thanksgiving transitions to my house because, with three kids, we have become the gravity well for the California side of the family.  I don’t have a Gravy Boat.  Heck, I don’t even have fancy dishes.  DO have wine glasses though, perhaps I can just start serving drinks at noon and noone will notice the turkey is charred and the green beans went mooshy.  The kids won’t care, two eat anything as long as it’s not still moving and the third metabolizes air.  He had a pumpkin muffin three days ago, he should be good until Monday.

That’s the other thing.  GREEN BEANS.  I went to COSTCO and they were out.  COSTCO RAN OUT.  Move over JK Rollings!  Costco hasn’t sold out of ANYTHING since the 2nd Harry Potter book came out.  How can a place like Costco sell out of Green Beans??!  I mean, the supermarket still had them in stock as of this morning (though by now, I’m sure the place looks like it’s been raided by Pirates or something.

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