I’ll be the first to admit, Tom Hiddelston’s epic rendition of Loki is worthy of his own film. When it comes to fan favorites we are looking at a classic case of a bad guy so well handled that the fanbase is insisting, nay, demanding that he switch sides.
But right now that can’t happen. Loki is a foil, he’s a character written to give the galactic level meatheads like Thor someone to push against, someone to counterbalance against. Even in Norse mythology you couldn’t have a Thor story without Loki nor a Loki story without Thor. They are two parts of a whole.
But there are inklings out there. Bringing Hiddleston back to add more Loki, the “It seems I have an army” speech at SDCC this year, if we can get the right writer on it, someone who understands the symbiotic nature of Thor and Loki’s relationship, they might be able to pull it off. Remember, while Loki may currently be painted as the bad guy, by nature he is not evil. He is trouble, and I think that, if he can cause more trouble by playing the good guy for a bit, or at least the grey-guy, that might be something worth seeing.