
Tag Archive for scifi

Not Enough



On the one hand, this is pretty awesome.  NASA is putting research money into some pretty innovative (and unusual solutions).  On the other hand, it’s only $100k per grant.  That’s Angel level investment, but for working with engineers, hardware and proof of concepts, it seems a little small.

BUT, what it does do (as a small startup) is give you a kind of legitimacy that you can then take to other, larger investors.  You can inform them that NASA is one of your backers, which then means you’ve got a market for your product.  It’s got a home if you can make it work like you think it will.  Having a market in-hand when you go to speak with investors and Angels makes a huge difference, whether you are building mobile apps or inventing a way to finally clear some of our debris from space.

SciFiEye: Crooked Path

Twisted spines and broken limbs claw skyward. A million million tiny nibbles turn giants into building blocks for the generations to come.