
Tag Archive for Science Fiction

Not For Us


I’m intimately familiar with programmed responses and how changing the technology that trained them can f*ck you up.  When I started driving, the standard practice was never to slam on your brakes when you got into trouble.  You pumped your brakes.  It kept them from locking up, it made your taillights flash to warn the car behind you.  It helped keep you from locking up all over so that you could continue to react as you slid, in the unstoppable grip of physics, down the roadway to your certain doom.

Then the technology got better.  Cars have computers that take care of the brake management for you (usually) so pumping the brake in most modern cars has become counter intuitive.  It f*ucks up the computer, throws it’s braking off sync.  So now, after decades of pumping the brake, I now have to do the opposite.  I have to stomp ont he brake and hope the computer is smarter than I am (let me point out, I work with computers, so I am intimately familiar with “smart” machines and the misconceptions that go with them).

What they describe here in the Ars Technica article is one step further.  They are discussing systems to handle the braking for the the driver, which means no foot-stomping at all.  That’s an even more drastic change than the one we went through from pump to stomp.




Chemical Evolutions


It occurs to me that this point in time is a bit on the unusual side.  Now, I have no real expertise in this matter other than that fact that I read too d*mn much, and have a fascination with the history of medicine, but it seems to me that humans, as a species, have been self-medicating in one fashion or another for many thousands of years now.  Beer has been consumed by all ages as an alternative to water in many places where the water has been problematic to drink, over the counter remedies contained a host of addictive and what are now considered “recreational” substances from alcohol to opium to cocaine to radioactive bone shavings, you name it, we have consumed it, sometimes for fun, sometimes for necessity, sometimes to cure what ails us.

So it seems that this oft lamented tendency, this pursuit of this pill or that pill to change the way that we think, our anxieties, our inability to sit still or our unrelenting anger or any number of other issues, may not be a “new” tendency.  We have always been medicated.  The difference is that now we are medicated with a backstory, with chemicals that we can track and control and mix to precise doses.  We know what these chemicals will do and why, as opposed to just getting us “feeling better”.

So what if this new “neurotic” norm that keeps getting lamented in media and on mommy blogs and educational sites, what is this has always been the norm?  What if we’ve just been covering up our true “normal”.  What if what we think of as “normal” was just the medicated version of humanity? Now that we are medicating less in search of a “healthy norm” we are finding that what we thought was normal, stable, mellow, reasonable is just the by-product of our own need to feel better?