
Tag Archive for Bionic eyes

Do you See what I See?


It sounds rather scary, doesn’t it.  Sucking out the organic lens in your eyeball and inserting a new shiny one.  But really, as eye surgeries go, it’s a simple procedure, it’s outpatient, and (having had my own eyes layzuuurd) painless if they do it right.


The only difference between the cataract surgery of now and the bionic vision of the future if they use this technology is that the lens itself with be far more advanced.

In fact, if you couple this with the recent strides in display-on-a-contact lens technology, you may be looking at the pieces that will come together to allow us to have fully self contained (i.e. not attached by wires) HUD’s that will allow us to have the kinds of AR (Augmented Reality) that you see in Hollywood blockbusters.