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Sea Change – new science fiction


See, one of the coolest things about having my own blog is I can plug my own stuff here 🙂  For those of you who didn’t know, I’ve just had a short-story published in the September edition of “Galaxy’s Edge” magazine.  They leave the online version up for 60 days, after that you can only get it in print form (you can get a subscription through Amazon if you’re looking!)

You can find it at www.galaxysedge.com.

Set it and Forget it




Some day I will own a Tesla.  That’s a given.  Not sure how I will actually, you know, pay for it, but a gal can dream, right?

As cool as this is, though, I’m seeing only half of the equation here. Something Tesla doesn’t usually forget.  The people half.

Humans like to f*ck with stuff. I’m not speaking of our innate desire to break open the housing and see the glowy flashy bits, but rather our inability to just leave something alone.  To set it and forget it, because we know, we KNOW, deep in our brains, that the one time we don’t double-check, is the one time something will go wrong and we will burn our house down..

Imagine, if you will, pulling into your garage in your shiny shiny e-car, pulling the parking brake and walking away.  No muss, no fuss.

You can’t do it, can you.

You’re going to end up standing there, every time, just to make sure your magic snakey-charger plugs in properly.  At first, it will be because it’s just so *cool*, but then you’ll find you just don’t trust it.  What if, this time, you parked an inch too far to the left?  What if one of the connectors doesn’t seat right?  Your palms will itch with the desire to just plug the d*mn thing in YOURSELF and be done with it.  And if you *do* walk away, you’re going to come back, just to make sure, even if it’s two in the morning and you’ve woken in the middle of the night.

Because there are some things we just cannot let go of.