Well, there are a lot of them, but the one I have in mind this week is the whole grandparent gifting thing. I have a lot of gits ideas for my kids, I mean, they’re MY KIDS, and I do pay attention to the stuff they like, mostly. So when both Grandmothers come tome for gift ideas, I’ve got to do some meta-deciding. Not just “Hi Mom, she really wants XXX this year”. I have to weigh them against one another. Do I want my own mother pissed at me for giving my mom-in-law the better insder information on what my daughter wants? DO I want my husband pissed at me for making sure my own mother gave the superior gift? I’d like to think we’re all adults here. I’d LIKE to think that the happiness of the kids is paramount in everyone’s minds.
Actually, no, I’d LIKE to stop having to think about this and just be able to hand them each a sku and say “buy this, your grandkids love you no matter what’s under the wrapper”.