
Archive for future

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Custom rigs

The future is here, strangely enough.  3d printers can kit you out with a custom drone, you can create aggressive, combat ready items of clothing that deliver a jab or an electric shock if someone gets too close.  You can slip magnets under the skin  of your fingers (if you have a strong stomach and a lot of lidocaine) to get a tactile sense of the magnetic fields around you.  There are all these bits and bobs and emerging tech and inventive use cases that can be found in every corner of the world and, while they haven’t yet gelled into the inevitable dystopic future we all fear, the sheer number of things that we can do now that were just an idea less than 10 years ago is truly mind blowing.




Is it just me, or is Kale getting increasingly desperate?  It’s the vitamin powder of vegetables, no-one likes the taste, but it’s good for you, so just slather that sucker in chocolate and nom on.